We Don’t See Any Ashy Bines Types Here, That’s For Sure

In reply to the GCB article: http://goldcoastbulletin.com.au/lifestyle/gold-coast-diet-queens-battle-it-out/story-fnj94iqm-1227299283532

Ashy Bines quotes “and battling it out? i think the MORE people in the industry for the right reasons helping our society the BETTER. Im not competing against anyone, im here to help whoever wants my help”

Yes Ashy is right, the more fitness professionals in the industry who help the public with their health and wellbeing the better. However there is one thing Ashy is missing, and that is being completely honest in her business, including doing the right things and taking responsibility .

Ashy: “Im not competing against anyone, im here to help whoever wants my help”.

Ashy admitted (only late last month) that she is ‘a very competitive person’ on her Facebook business page. See attached Images.

Regarding Emily Skye and Ashy….

If anyone really looks up the differences between Ashy Bines and Emily Skye, you will find that they are different in the types of business they run, and what they provide to their paying customers.

It should be cleared up that Emily Skye does not and has never worked for or with Ashy Bines, this also includes never being involved with or working apart of ABBBC. One of the businesses that Emily runs is a 28 Day shred program with Ashy’s husband Steven Evans. As we have seen in recent newspapers Emily is currently suing Mr Evans for failing to efficiently market her program, and funnelling money into his other business. You will find these articles online regarding Miss Skye suing Steven.

Ashy Bines Admits To Plagiarism – Media Coverage

One thing Ashy Bines should remember through CERT III in fitness is that you are told over and over again to be over cautious in the content you release, ensuring it is not copied from other sources. You are educated to understand that if you like another persons work and you wish to you use it, you are to gain consent or you alter it to your clients suitability. When Ashy plagiarised she failed to do this, that is not naive that is out right stealing.

For those who ‘do not care’ that Ashy has plagiarised that is ok, but what is not ok is the abusive responses they come back with to those that are upset and let down. $69.95 may be pocket money to the people who don’t care, but it may be a tank of fuel, bread and milk to another person. Also, the people who feel let down would have rather given their well earned money to an original fitness guru, who is honest and ethical. If you wrote a book and/or came up with your own work and someone blatantly stole it (word for word) you would not be so happy, especially when permission was not given. We understand that there are many professionals in all range of fields who have similarities, but the difference is that they changed it to their client base and to their liking, unlike Ashy.


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